#1 Search Pallet Stocks
topThe Pallet Stocks Visualization procedure has been created in order to enable the user to query Pallet warehouse easily in order to control stocks and to get quick information about pallet in warehouse.
The Pallet Stocks Visualization procedure consists as follows:
RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:
FILTER AREA: The filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a research on the total pallet in warehouse. Typically filters have always 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more search filters at the same time.
RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the pallet list which correspond to the filter data, above mentioned. After having specified the values through which it is possible to perform a pallet search, the user can push [Search] button on the related Ribbon and will obtain the list of the desired pallet on the result grid. The information that can be read through this grid correspond to: pallet identification (through year, group, number and type field), pallet dimension, pallet status (moved in warehouse), possible list number which which it has been created, warehouse and related pallet ubication.
DETAIL GRID: the detail grid shows the pallet content selected in the result grid. The information that can be read through this grid correspond to: identification of item or items contained on the selected pallet, quantity and possibly information about start sales order document.
BuildDate : 24 giugno 2013